Westfield, NJ Intimacy Coaching & Therapy
Many of us find the fuller expression and enjoyment of intimacy quite challenging. Intimacy itself is very complex with different facets. But finding pleasure in warm, generous, affectionate closeness with others—emotional and sexual—isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Paradoxically, to be intimate requires the capacity to be vulnerable, and yet warmly experienced intimacy can simultaneously decrease feelings of vulnerability. Regardless, it takes a quite deep person to be willing to examine his or her experience of intimacy—whether expressions of intimacy come more or less easily to you. It’s admirable and courageous to consider your experience of intimacy—what intimacy means to you, feels like to you, whether it feels good, threatening, or sometimes both. As your Life Coach, I welcome the chance to discuss this complex, very subjective experience. Your willingness to look at intimacy, consider its role in your life, and whether you’d like to develop or explore a new experience of it, is something to feel good about. Almost certainly, you’ll find just the exploration of the subject of intimacy highly beneficial.